
Friday, 11 April 2014

The Canteen at Stokeley Barton

I had a nice surprise when I visited Stokeley Barton farm shop last Sunday. The restaurant has been taken over and is now the Canteen at Stokeley and run by a brilliant lady who on the day also had her daughter working with her too. The menu is nice and simple but does great comfort / hangover food.  Not only is there bus pass Wednesday and Fishy Fridays the other intriguing element is there seems to be a set lunch everyday but you have to turn up sharpish at 1.00pm to get it - set lunch /set time /set price. I like it. If your down in Devon its worth a visit especially as its near Slapton beach and Torcross.

The Canteen at Stokeley Barton

My son checking out the garden from the comfort of his vintage highchair

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